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Benefits of Proteus 9

Request instant access to this webinar on-demand to learn about how we made it even easier and faster to get the exact data you need in the new version 9. Among many new enhancements, we speak about:

  • Seamless integration with Microsoft BI, which empowers the users to get the most out of the telecom calls data​
  • Cradle to grave call flow presented in the dashboard view​
  • Custom analytics enhancements for Dashboard+​
  • Preventing data from being mishandled with encryption on report delivery, access rights, and users' data​
  • And many more features to suit every role's needs​
Proteus 9 ensures all your data, from simple reports to extensive and detailed analysis, is at any time at your fingertips.

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Featured Speakers

Join our Proteus experts to learn what the new version 9 can do for your reporting, dashboarding and data analysis

We are proud to announce the launching of a new version of Proteus. Version 9 contains several significant improvements we will present to you within the next few weeks. In the new version, you will find a variety of powerful enhancements in three main areas focused around:

  • reporting, dashboarding, and filtering so that any data necessary is available at your fingertips anytime (Power BI integration among many)
  • security, and improvements on self-administering (among many SSO, Audit/Activity logs, etc.)
  • connectivity, new phone connection, data sources, and integrations (for example, Microsoft Teams, Cisco Webex, Zoom)


Proteus is an internationally recognised corporate application for analysing communications systems, providing billing data and identifying telecoms fraud. Proteus is used widely within the mid to large corporate sector, with a specialisation within the financial trading market. It has been helping companies manage communications costs, systems growth and systems migrations for four decades.

Whether you are a long-term customer or new to our solutions, we guarantee that this video will inspire and bring valuable tips on the gains of the new version 9.

In case of any inquiries, please write to [email protected], who will assist you further with any webinar-related issues.