If a company's story dictates value and is the foundation of its brand, then what parts of the story should be of focus?
Our Story is our Brand
Our brand is our promise to our customers. It tells them what they can expect from our products and services. It differentiates us from our competitors. Our brand is derived from who we are, who we want to be and how we want people to perceive us.
Check out the Enghouse Interactive Brand Templates and Guides here
We only do contact center, which means we're passionate about improving the daily lives of people of the contact center. So how do we tell this story effectively? Using the expert advice from Peter Guber, Keith Yamashita and Budweiser (see resources below) we were able to create a simple and clear structure that allowed us to perfect our story - a story that would resonate with our audiences. Watch the video to hear Ernie telling the story.
Take a little from this month's resources for a simple yet effective story telling process.
Storytelling for Leaders: Keith Yamashita, draws on his experiences coaching Fortune 500 companies to share actionable frameworks that transform pitches into compelling narratives that grab attention.
Freytag's Pyramid: Budweiser used an age old formula to construct their memorable Superbowl advert leveraging the love of a puppy and a horse.
Authenticity is Crucial - Peter Guber, past/current CEO of Sony Pictures and Mandalay Entertainment, is passionate about storytelling, especially in business and describes the key attributes of a well told story in this Harvard Business Review Interview.
Peter Bonham is the System Architect for Communications Center. Listen to his 'Why' here.
Switched On
July - Start with Why
Aug - People of the Contact Center
Sep - Partnerships and Partner Portal
Oct - Portfolio Stories
Nov - Brand Stories
Dec - On line strategies
Jan - Our People
Feb - Our Customers
Campaign Schedule
Submit your Why here.
"If I can solve a problem a day, I'll be a happy man."